Monday, December 29, 2008

The Pedestrian

I am a pedestrian who has no aim
Who walks the way comes before him
When I began the walk, I thought,
The end is near and that I would reach soon,
But as the time creeps up
And as the way runs out
It splits into many leaving me in a junction
Where I stand and ponder on and on
To decide whether to stop
To decide which way to choose
This happens again and again and again
As I run out my life second by second

I am a pedestrian who has no aim
There are many who walks past me
Who seemed to be in a hurry
To reach their destiny
To quench their thirst
There are many who walk
As if they have decided to walk all this life

I am a pedestrian who has no aim
Having spend all my life
And having tread all these ways
Now I realize that this road never ends
This is my life and I am bound to go
Up to the point where my life ends

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